COLOR: Black and White Parti
OFA Hips: EXCELLENT OFA 11.16.16
OFA Elbows: NORMAL 11.16.16
DNA Profile #: N/A
CERF: NORMAL 11.10.16
DNA Color Profile: Throws for All Colors
PRA Certified: Normal/Clear
AKA Jalee – ALAA-046386
Lady Juliet, aka, Jalee, is just what we’ve been waiting for….a gorgeous little girl that is a true Miniature at 16 pounds. Her coat is luscious and soft as bunny fur. She has such a joyful personality and is a loving, cuddly, gentle soul. Jalee has a Princess prance with her head and saber tail held high. She runs like the wind and almost seems like she could fly. She comes from a long line of top Multi-Generation Australian Labradoodles. Jalee has scored the top score of Excellent on her Hips/Elbows with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) and her eyes have been Certified by an Opthomologist Vet to ensure that there is no glaucoma or cataracts or any other eye diseases.
Jalee scored Top of the Top “Breeding Quality” on Temperament and Structure when evaluated by Pat Hastings of Dog Folk. She completed the PawPrint Genetics health testing and does not carry any of the genes for 12 different diseases. She has also had a full blood profile that determined that liver, kidney and thyroid function are all normal and no diabetes.
Jules lives with her awesome Guardian Family, Bob and Sharon, and her cousin Harper and they all get to play with their cousin, Cabela, Harper’s sister, when they visit Auntie Brandis in the Tri-Cities.